Film Permits
Any filming on private or public property that occurs within the City of Santa Clarita requires a film permit with the exception of news crews, family videoing, and filming that takes place entirely on a certified sound stage.
Obtaining a film permit involves more than just submitting an application. Applicants must also furnish proof of liability insurance along with an endorsement, submit payment, obtain property owner permission, and sometimes other things such as providing traffic control plans, conducting signature surveys among others. For most filming the process is simple and easy but sometimes it can get a little complicated.
The Santa Clarita Film Office is here to help guide you through the permit process. Feel free to call us at (661) 284-1425 to discuss your project and learn about the process before you submit a permit application.
If you are a student, please review the Student Filmmaker section of our website and give us a call at least one week prior to submitting a permit application.
Fees will incur once we’ve started processing your permit application. Any changes to your application will have a rider fee applied to them. Applicable fees are still due even if you cancel your application prior to final approval. Minimum amount due is 1 rider to cancel the application. Additional fees are determined by work done prior to cancelation (i.e. notification sets delivered, fire review completed, etc.).
Film Permit Application
Santa Clarita film permits are good for 14 consecutive calendar days and up to 10 locations. Confirm if your location is in our permit jurisdiction, or give us a call at (661) 284-1425.
Film Permit Fees (effective July 1, 2024)
Santa Clarita has some of the lowest permit fees in the 30-mile zone! For information on rates for filming at City owned properties, give us a call at (661) 284-1425.
Insurance and Endorsement
Both a Certificate of Liability Insurance and Endorsement naming the City of Santa Clarita as an “Additional Insured” are required for all film permits. The endorsement should include “Primary andNon-Contributory” language. We will also require proof of Worker’s Comp insurance. These samples show the correct wording for the additional insurance section. Your insurance company may charge a fee for the endorsement. Please talk to your insurance company for the actual cost. Minimum coverage limits are $1,000,000 for still photo/motion picture permits, $2,000,000 for filming involving an Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and $5,000,000 for filming involving aircraft (plane/helicopter, etc.) use.
Franchised Trash Hauler List
All temporary bin and roll-off box services in the City of Santa Clarita are franchised by specific companies. If you plan to use temporary bin and roll-off box services (vs. self-hauling), you will need to use one of the franchised haulers on this list. To help the City of Santa Clarita in its efforts to reduce waste going to the landfill, please secure recycling services, including food waste recycling. It is also encouraged to donate any unused edible food to a local Food Recovery Partner so it can be redistributed to feed people in need. Click here for more info.
Requirements for the Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) or “Drones” for Filming