Film Incentive Program
The Santa Clarita City Council is committed to doing everything possible to keep filming in L.A. County. To that end, since 2009 the Council has approved funding a Film Incentive Program (FIP). The FIP is aimed at retaining and increasing feature and television production in the City of Santa Clarita (City) and the Santa Clarita Valley (SCV) by subsidizing permit fees, in addition to reducing costs of safety personnel as possible.
Since the FIP’s inception, more than $801,000 has been refunded to 275 locally based, recurring, and CA Film & Television Tax Credit Program approved qualifying projects, and productions have saved more than $445,000 on Sheriff services. To date, location filming from these incentivized productions has resulted in an estimated $203.6 million in economic impact to our community! *ALL DATA UPDATED AS OF 7/19/24.
To learn more about Santa Clarita’s Film Incentive Program, download FIP Summary or contact the Film Office at (661) 284-1425.
Visit the California Film Commission’s website to learn more about the California Film & Television Tax Credit Program.